Internationally recognized and collected artist Joye DeGoede of the original JoyEful Party Animals® works juxtapose reality with fantasy, inspiring the viewer to see the fun in the mundane and the vast opportunities for joy in our everyday world. Joye, says “I love painting the surrealistic mixture of animals imitating human habits and in their natural habitat to bring empathy to wildlife conservation."
Joye left her 18 year art teaching career in 2012 to pursue art full time. She was having a grand time painting in her studio when it hit her she quit her job and had bills to pay! In a panic, she called her favorite bunny and scotch loving Aunt for advice. A fun idea emerged from the phone conversation. Joye was inspired to paint a little rabbit with a glass of scotch. She named him Hop Scotch©. The JoyEful Party Animals® were born! Joye says, “My art has taken an unanticipated fun turn. I was very serious with my subject matter and message. Life is too short not to laugh, smile and enjoy life. I haven't strayed from my original artist statement, just a JoyEful rabbit trail. This grand adventure continues!